Autovolt Magazine

charge points

BMW i3, Wallbox Charging

BMWi Partners with Schneider Electric

BMW i continues to forge ahead with the introduction of customer-friendly electromobility services in the UK, forming a partnership with Schneider Electric. The partnership sees Schneider Electric become, not only the manufacturer of the BMW i Wallbox, but also the recommended installer. This collaboration will allow Schneider Electric to work closely with the BMW i […]

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Renault Helps Consolidate EV Charging

Renault and some important institutions* in France have setup GIREVE SAS which, in French stands for, Groupement pour l’Itinérance des Recharges Électriques de Véhicules which roughly translates to Group for Roaming Electric Vehicle Recharging.  Interestingly enough, the word GIREVE sounds like, “Je reve” which in French means “I dream“. GIREVE’s remit is to facilitate the use of

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Hundreds of new charging points to be funded across the UK

Hundreds of new EV Chargepoints

Hospitals, stations and streets across the UK will see a wave of new chargepoints for electric cars, thanks to government funding. In February the government announced an extra £37 million to offset the cost of installing infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles. Business Minister Michael Fallon and Transport Minister Norman Baker announced the winning bids for the

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Review: Charge Your Car App

Launched in July 2013, the free Charge Your Car (CYC) app is a world-first in app technology using emerging state-of-the-art charge point management, mapping and mobile payment technologies to allow users to find charge points, plan a route, start and stop a session and, uniquely, pay for a charge at all app-ready charge points across

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BMW i Ventures has announced a strategic investment into Chargemaster Plc

BMW i Invests in UK EV Charging Infrastructure

BMW i Ventures has announced a strategic investment into Chargemaster Plc, the UK’s leading provider of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In addition to this investment, Chargemaster and BMW i have entered into a wide ranging cooperation agreement whereby Chargemaster will provide a range of E-mobility services.  Both parties will carry out joint electric vehicle (EV)

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