Autovolt Magazine

Plug-in Hybrid

Chevrolet Volt 2016

New Chevrolet Volt Offers Range, Range and More Range

Chevrolet have revealed a few more details about the forthcoming and hotly anticipated Volt replacement. The American company says they have listened to requests from owners and drivers to deliver, “range, range and more range.” The all-new second-generation Volt features the Voltec extended-range electric propulsion system, delivering 53 miles of pure EV range (based on

New Chevrolet Volt Offers Range, Range and More Range Read More »

Metrocab body in white, Coventry

Plug-in Hybrid Metrocab to Begin Production in Coventry in 2016

The all-new Metrocab, made by Frazer-Nash Research Ltd and Ecotive Ltd will enter volume production next year in Coventry. The plug-in hybrid taxi will be manufactured by Multimatic. Multimatic is a Canadian company with worldwide facilities, responsible for the manufacture of components and systems to the automotive industry. The company produces complete vehicles from body

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